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Classic dive site

During World War II, the Germans blasted a waterway known as the "Seven-Colored Waterway"in order to allow ships to pass through.

​Mantas can be seen hovering above the cleaning station reef. In addition, you can also see various schools of fish, sharks, Napoleon fish, etc. You may also have the opportunity to find rare species such as leopard sharks.

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​German Channel

Hang a hook at the entrance of the channel and watch the sharks swim in front of you. Release into the channel, feel the hard coral canyon, and enjoy the feeling of free drifting . One of the most spectacular features in the channel is the rose coral wall, which is more than one story high; beautiful and romantic. Commonly seen in the channel are sharks, sea turtles, Napoleon fish, bump-head parrots, stingrays, eagle rays, etc. accompanying you in the lazy river.

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Ulong Channel

It‘s one of the top ten diving spots in the world. The currents are different at different times. Enjoy the beauty of Blue Corner under the guidance of a diving guide. Jack storms, schools of barracudas, schools of red snappers, sea turtles, eagle rays, sharks, Napoleon fish are beautiful wonders for your photography.

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Blue Corner

It is one of the giant caves with a depth of more than 30 meters. The tunnel has two exits. There are many large sea fans at the exit, which is spectacular and great for photo taking. There is also a very interesting phenomenon in the cave, that is, the fish swim upside down. Because the fish cannot feel the gravity of the earth and swim against the wall, they swim upside down.

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​Siaes Tunnel

​There are four large caves above the shallow reef. You can choose any of them to dive. When you arrive at the Blue Cave and look up to the ceiling, you can see lion fish and Jacks swimming upside down. Right below the Sky Cave, as the sunlight penetrates, you can take pictures of the Jesus light effect. If you look for a specific angle, you can also take pictures of the Devil's Eye.


​Blue Hole

Palau's unique diving site has an underwater stalactite terrain. There are several air chambers in the stalactite cave. You can go up to the air chamber to take photos and chat.

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Chandelier Cave

Special dive site

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mating shows

​Red snappers, bump-head parrots, and angel fish are the three special matings of Palau. At a specific time, you can watch thousands of fish schools, fish balls, fish walls and other formation performances. It is a grand feast of the full moon and the new moon.

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Turtle Tomb

There are two turtle tombs in the cave within the Blue Cave. The turtles got lost accidentally and had to rest here. The closed cave is very dark, and a faint blue light shines through the narrow opening. Look for the "light of life" to find your way out to the bright blue cave.

Discover Scuba Diving

It is still possible for those who do not have an international diving license to experience scuba diving through teaching and explanation from the instructor. Diving depths are usually no deeper than 12 meters. (Anyone who cannot swim can still participate)


  • Introducing the diving environment, familiarize yourself to wear and use diving equipment

  • Teaching ear pressure balance, water gestures, mask and regulator drainage

  • Training to adapt to diving

  • ​Undersea Sightseeing


Fun dive

  • Includes 3 dives per day, transfers, lunch on the day, and use of regular air.

  • If you need to arrange scuba review, additional fees will apply

  • Recommended for AOW divers or 20 tanks experience and above

  • The price does not include sailing tax, sailing tips, and diving equipment.

  • Special diving sites and Nitrox are subject to additional charges

Discover scuba diving

  • The price includes 2 dives, transfers, equipment, lunch

  • Minimum number of people in a group is 2

  • The price does not include sailing tax and sailing tips.

Daily rental equipment

  • Scuba equipment, snorkeling equipment available for rental

  • If you need to rent equipment, please make a reservation

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